Joe of All Trades, Master of None

Do you get the pun?

I wanted to spend this Blog addressing something very important. Who am I?

Well, it’s about time I introduce myself. Hello! My name is Joe Orchard, and when I was 19 I stole the name OMFG Media from my father.

OMFG stands for Orchard McNeilly Family Group. Orchard is of course my fathers name, McNeilly is my mothers, and ‘Family Group’ is added for formality reasons. I hear however that OMFG stands for something else…

Originally this business was started so I could have an ABN for various videography projects. Overtime this turned into podcasts, video series, video essays, and much more.

I want to share some of my favourite projects I have made. This should get an idea for type of person I am.

One of the highlights was definitely the ‘On The Way’ Instagram video I made. This was a collaboration between a photographer (@the.dr1fter) and a fashion label (@plagaristofficial). The brief was ‘capture everyone at the gallery having fun’ and the song I was asked to use was No Role Models by J. Cole.

However once Josh (photographer) gave a speech about his father, I knew this was the core of the video. So instead, I edited a video around his speech. And this was at this point the most viewed video I had ever made.

Another video I made was the pilot for Fit and Fed. This was made in collaboration with Ras-Samuel (RS), a friend of mine who is staring in the upcoming Planet of the Apes film. I met RS whilst working out in a public gym.

I was initially intimidated by everyone’s physiques. But I quickly learnt how accepting and open everyone was. This social aspect was the genesis of Fit and Fed. When I pitched it to RS, he was onboard, and we worked towards releasing it!

I met lots of amazing crew and we had the best time making Fit and Fed. The idea is not dead. We are still discussing ways to make more episodes.

The final project I wanted to talk about was my podcast Film Media Love. This was made with my boss and new mentor Jan. What do you get when you put a young Australian and a German producer in a room together? You get Film Media Love. Eventually we retired the podcast as we both needed jobs. You know, projects that earns money.

If you have gotten this far and thought to yourself “I don’t recognise any of this?” I do not blame you.

I have started and stopped many projects. I will always be creating in some capacity. But I think this blog will be that thing I always do. Thanks for reading. I can’t wait to share with you all the stories I have planned. Enjoy your day. Joe


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